I awoke at 4:30am the next day, praying for the birth mother. I hated to think about her getting the procedure I knew the doctors were planning (membrane stripping) and then a possible weekend of painful contractions. I must have fallen back to sleep though because at 5:30am, our social worker’s name was glowing on my phone. Shaking my sleeping husband, I jumped up and answered. It was time!
She told us to make our way to the hospital, that the birth mom had been admitted and would have the baby today. I knew that 4:30 wake up was not coincidence. Maybe I was so connected to the birth mom that I felt her pains. But more likely, God woke me to pray for her. I believe he calls us to intercede. This has always been confusing to me because I know He doesn’t need my prayers. But it sure brings joy when I am able to pray for someone and then see God’s hand at work in that situation. I encourage you to let God stir your heart about someone, let him wake you in the middle of a nice sleep…and then respond in prayer.
Well, I called my mom to set our plan into action, as she would come and get the boys to school and care for them while we were gone. I told her to take her time as Tony and I weren’t really wanting to hurry to wait, in a possible awkward situation. Soooo, we took our time getting ready, even helping get the kids ready for school. Just twenty minutes out of town (still well over an hour before we would arrive at the hospital), we got a call telling us that the birth mom was pushing. My heart sank at the thought of missing her birth. Peace immediately swept over us, despite the longing to be there. I can only explain this as God’s peace, because I had high hopes of being there. But the desire to feel at peace and choose joy overcame. She was going to be here! Finally! We would be holding our daughter soon.
And yet another miracle happened. Ten minutes from the hospital, the social worker called to tell us to HURRY. The baby had not been born yet. Everything was fine, but we were given instructions on the quickest route to the delivery room. We were told that the birth mom was waiting until I was there. I might have cried. I am pretty sure I was shaking. I was so excited. Tony pulled up to the curb and let me out. He would park the car and then wait patiently in the waiting room with the social worker while I got to witness our daughter’s birth. He kissed my cheek and nodded in approval as I ran towards the hospital doors. I had the best husband in the world!
When I walked into the delivery room where I had been directed, the birth mom looked radiant. She glowed. And she smiled. She was excited, yet calm. She was ready. She had been ready. But she insisted I be there and would not deliver without me there. What an amazing bond we felt! She was already giving me this priceless gift and now she was just spoiling me, lavishing more of everything she could offer.
We hugged and talked about the last few hours. I introduced myself and hugged her boyfriend (not the birth father); he was there to support her. She did not have anyone else there. She and her boyfriend had moved from their home state just months before. It might have been awkward for a few moments but I remember feeling so much love for these two. I am pretty sure every expression in my eyes showed them that too. The doctor came into the room and introduced me. All the staff seemed to know who I was and made me feel comfortable. They allowed me to stand next to the birth mom and video the delivery…which was AWESOME! I had never seen my boys born, as I had to have cesareans with them all. There had always been a surgical drape preventing me from witnessing the births of my children.
As instructed, birth mama pushed to the count of 10 three times in one contraction. A stern nurse told her to push harder. And wouldn’t you know, she was able to take her directions and delivered sweet baby girl during that second 10 count! It was amazing! I have never seen anything so beautiful and strong and told her how great she did. She cheered herself on, “I KNOW!” She was proud. She should have been. I enjoyed that moment so much. I enjoyed bragging on her and she seemed more confident and courageous than ever.
The next few moments would be a little chaotic as all the attention focused to the baby that just entered the world. I am choking up as I write this. Our sweet girl came out crying and looking so perfect, despite the meconium that covered her face. She had her arm wrapped around the umbilical cord and appeared so strong. She was placed on her birth mom’s chest to be admired. She was. She was loved. There was so much joy and positivity in the room. There were no tears…yet.